Monthly Archives: April 2010

Julie and Julia- a Movie review

  Julie and Julia – A Movie Review

A while back I found a free Red Box rental code, and a lot of my friends had posted on Facebook how much they loved this movie, or that they were going to or had watched it.  It looked like such a fun movie that I just grabbed it.  Honestly, I’m really picky about movies, and I feel that there can be some difference in opinion on what is ok for someone to watch. So, if you don’t agree with me, sorry, this is just my opinion, and I’m not saying you are wrong if you think differently than me. 🙂 

Now, I know that sounds like I don’t like Julie and Julia.  I  did enjoy it, and thought it was very cute, but I had a few problems with some of the things I saw/heard. 
I loved that both gals were married, stayed married and never had affairs and were happy!! For Hollywood to actually make a movie like that surprised me a bit.  definitely a good thing.  I like how ‘real’ the movie seemed by showing some of the rough parts of marriage and how they worked through it.  I think movies have a tendency to say marriage is either terrible or wonderful, but rarely does it show the in-between which is where most marriages are. 

My problems with the movie: Language and partial nudity.  I know that a lot of people probably didn’t/don’t have a problem with the amount that is in this movie, but for me it was too much.  I know that this is a ‘real’ story, so if that’s the way they talked, then some people would say it  ‘should’ be in the movie. I feel that watching people making out, half-dressed is inappropriate for people to see.   Really the language and make out scenes were just unnessisary and didn’t add to the quality of the movie.

PluggedIn is an online review site that tells you exactly what words are in movies and how many times it was spoken, and can be a great source before you watch a movie.  ( I had read it before I watched this, but then it was so long before I rented it that I forgot 🙂 )  

I think that Julie and Julia had great potential for being an awesome movie, but there was enough stuff in it that I probably won’t watch it again.

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Posted by on April 7, 2010 in Movies


Gigi- The Purple Ponies

God's little Princess
My daughter loves Gigi!! She got a book of 4 books in 1 a while back, and loves that Gigi is a Princess (just like her) 🙂

Gigi: The Purple Ponies by Sheila Walsh

This cute little story is about when Gigi and her bff Frances decide that they are going to play soccer!! Now, not everyone who tries out will make the team, but ‘of course’ it will be them. Gigi is sure that she will make the team, even though she has no clue how to play or has ever tried. She just feels sorry for those who won’t play. When Gigi doesn’t do so well. . . well, it’s the balls fault, and Frances, she had a friendly ball.
Gigi’s dad is on hand to remind her that everyone has different gifts, and soccer might not be her’s
When the list is posted, Frances is on it, but Gigi is not. Frances decides she won’t play until Gigi reminds her that they all have special gifts, and that Frances should use her ability to play even if they can’t do it together.
In the very end Gigi realizes she is a very good cheerleader and can cheer her friend on. . .  they both get to do what they both do best!!

** Can you tell yet that I”m having fun!?!?

** I reviewed this book on my own and have received no compensation from, Sheila Walsh or Thomas Nelson

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Posted by on April 5, 2010 in Books, Children's, Fiction


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An Easter Carol – Veggie Tales

An Easter Carol – Veggie Tales

An Easter Carol is one of the last Veggie movies that was produced under the Big Idea studio (as far as I can tell) and so it is one of the last that has a truly Christian theme.  More on that later.
An Easter Carol is a lot like. . .  you guessed it “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens.  With a few other comedic throw in’s from other movies.  Mr Nezzer, Millward’s (Larry) uncle is the owner of an egg making factory.  A plastic egg making factory (with plastic chickens who lay those eggs;)  ) Mr Nezzer believes that Easter is all about the eggs, and he is preparing to tear down the church to make an “Easter Land”.  He is visited by his Grandma (who had passed away the year before) who told him he would have a visitor who would explain to him what he was doing wrong.  Hope (Rebecca St. James) is a little angel who takes him to the past, present and future.  
The gospel is presented in the very end, mostly in a single song, but it is clear that Jesus is the reason for Easter and that He died on the cross for our sins. 

A fun/short little movie about why we celebrate Easter.

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Posted by on April 2, 2010 in Uncategorized


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Give Away Info

Hi The Old Schoolhouse is having a giveaway on their blog 

A pretty Sweet little Graphics-Toolbox!!  Check it out and see if you can win 🙂 


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Posted by on April 1, 2010 in Uncategorized


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